Half-time-Saric was replaced and both sides did not make any achievements Nantong Zhiyun temporarily 0-0 Qingdao manatee


Live broadcast on August 31 news Beijing time at 19:35 on the evening of August 31, Football League 1/4 final, Nantong Zhiyun against Qingdao manatee. In the first half, Sarge was replaced by Zhong Jinbao, and neither side achieved anything. Half-time battle, Nantong Zhiyun 0-0 Qingdao manatee.

[Game focus moment]]

In the second minute, Romário peripheral low projection. ↓

In the 12th minute, Romário arch top twisted his body with one foot and power shot, Mu Pengfei flew out of the ball. ↓

In the 26th minute, Mou Pengfei attacked and destroyed the opponent’s quasi-single-knife ball. ↓

In the 31st minute, Castillo entered the restricted area with a small angle and a low shooting distance, and the ball deviated from the door frame. ↓

In the 37th minute, Nantong Zhiyun pushed back quickly. Morelato rushed into the inner corner and chose to hit the door. The ball angle was hugged by MOU Pengfei. ↓

In the 40th minute, Qingdao manatee opened on corner, Forbes head hammer shot out the earth, Zheng Hao worked door line to save the insurance. ↓

It takes 2 minutes to stop the injury. At the end of the first half, Qingdao manatees 0-0 Nantong Zhiyun.

[Initial and replacement information of both parties]]

Nantong Zhiyun starting line-up: 32-Xue Qinghao, 2-Wei Lai, 4-ye Lijiang, 14-bresang, 19-Liu Huan, 6-Yang Mingyang, 33-Wang Song, 8-morelato, 9-Castillo, 11-Romário-Valde, 29-Zheng haogan

Nantong Zhiyun substitute did not appear: 1-Li Huayang, 3-Wang Jie, 5-Ma Sheng, 7-Jiang Zilei, 15-Liu Wei, 16-putzlin, 21-Wang Jiahao, 25-Cao Kang, 28-Gui Hong, 30-Li Xiangbin, 36-Qiu Zhongyi, 44-Ruan Yang

Qingdao manatee starting line-up: 28-mou Pengfei, 2-Zhang Wei, 4-Liu Junshuai, 5-Sha Yibo, 31-andrievich, 7-Saric (23′ 30-Zhong Jinbao), 8-Ma Xingyu, 12-Chen Chunxin, 27-Zheng Long, 9-Forbes, 19-Song Wenjie

Qingdao manatee substitute did not appear: 22-Liu Zhenli, 6-Liu Yucheng, 10-Kang melon, 14-Feng Jin, 15-Xu Yang, 18-Hu Ming, 21-Jiang Ning, 25-Jian-Ming Wang, 29-Liu Chaoyang, 33-Liu Jiashen, 45-sharich

(Ha Yi d)

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